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IEEE MELECON 2021 is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. It is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 with participants from all over the world. It is expected to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields of Electrical Engineering.

Patronage Opportunities

Patronage level CORPORATE (11’000 Euros), benefits:

  • Recognition in all conference promotional materials;
  • Large-size logo prominently displayed on the front cover of the Conference Guide, and on all Conference advertisements and flyers;
  • Recognition of support on the conference website;
  • Company literature inserted in the official conference bag;
  • Company logo in the registration area, near the Session rooms, and in the Gala Dinner room;
  • Recognition of company support at conference plenary sessions and during Gala Dinner;
  • 15 free delegates;
  • Free Exhibition space of 20 m2 (1st choice selection from exhibition floor plan).


Patronage level PLATINUM (7’000 Euros), benefits:

  • Recognition in all conference promotional materials;
  • Large-size logo prominently displayed on the front cover of the Conference Guide, and on all Conference advertisements and flyers;
  • Recognition of support on the conference website;
  • Company literature inserted in the official conference bag;
  • Company logo in the registration area, near the Session rooms, and in the Gala Dinner room;
  • Recognition of company support at conference plenary sessions and during Gala Dinner ;
  • 10 free delegates;
  • Free Exhibition space of 15 m2.


Patronage level GOLD (5’000 Euros), benefits:

  • Large–size logo on the: Conference Guide, Conference advertisement and flyers and in the registration area;
  • 5 free delegates;
  • Free exhibition space of 10 m2.


Patronage level SILVER (3’000 Euros), benefits:

  • Medium–size logo on the: Conference Guide, Conference advertisement and flyers and in the registration area;
  • 3 free delegates;
  • Free Exhibition space of 7 m2.


Patronage level BRONZE (1’000 Euros), benefits:

  • Free Exhibition space of 4 m2.